climate change sweden

Sweden''s Climate Act and Climate Policy Framework

In 2017, Sweden adopted a new climate policy framework consisting of a climate act, climate targets, and a climate policy council. Sweden''s long-term goal is to

How climate change is changing northern Sweden

According to Sweden''s Sami Parliament, about 2,500 people depend on reindeer for their livelihood. The changes facing herders are of concern to the UN''s IPCC climate science advisory panel.

Greta Thunberg: Who is the climate activist and what

The climate activist has been arrested in Sweden and the UK as a result of her protests. after the city hosted the COP26 climate change summit, she said: "[World leaders have held] 26 COPs

Sweden taking part in several international climate transition

Ahead of COP28, Sweden also decided to increase support to climate adaptation in developing countries via two global climate funds, and to provide new

Sweden: CO2 Country Profile

In discussions on climate change, we tend to focus on carbon dioxide (CO 2) – the most dominant greenhouse gas produced by the burning of fossil fuels, industrial production, and land use change. But CO 2 is not the only greenhouse gas that is driving global climate change. There are a number of others – methane, nitrous oxide, and trace


This page presents Sweden''s climate context for the current climatology, 1991-2020, derived from observed, historical data. Information should be used to build a strong

Climate action in Sweden: Latest state of play | Think Tank

Sweden submitted its NECP in January 2020. A high proportion of Swedes (76%) expect national governments to tackle climate change. Sweden accounts for 1.4 % of total EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and has reduced its emissions at a slightly faster pace than the EU average since 2005. The carbon intensity of Sweden''s


This page presents Sweden''s projected climate. The Mean Projections page offers CCKP''s complete suite of indicators for in-depth analysis into future climate scenarios and potential risks due to changing climates. Data can be investigated as either the projected mean or anomaly (change) and is presented spatially, as a seasonal cycle, time series, or heat

Sweden''s long-term strategy for reducing greenhouse gas

In 2020, greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden in the ESR sector are to be 40 per cent lower than in 1990. The Government''s ambition is to reach the target with national measures. By 2030 at the latest, greenhouse gas emissions in Sweden in the ESR sector are to be at least 63 per cent lower than emissions in 1990.

Climate indicator

The average temperature in Sweden is expected to continue to increase. By the end of the century, the average annual temperature will be 2–6 °C higher than during the period 1961–1990, depending on how much greenhouse gas emissions continue. The temperature is expected to increase during all seasons, but mostly in northern Sweden in

The lesser-known causes and effects of a warmer Sweden

Sweden has 26,000 kilometers of coastline, and rising seas are one of the key risks of climate change. Many cities are built right on the water, and the rising seas will especially affect southern


Climate change is now recognized to have a significant impact on disaster management efforts and pose a significant threat to the efforts to meet the growing needs of the most vulnerable populations. The demands of disaster risk management are such that concise, clear, and reliable information is crucial. The information presented here offers


5 · Sweden - Arctic, Temperate, Maritime: About 15 percent of the country lies within the Arctic Circle. From about late May until mid-July, sunlight lasts around the clock north of the Arctic Circle, but, even as far south as Stockholm, the nights during this period have only a few hours of semidarkness. In mid-December, on the other hand, Stockholm

Sweden Plans to Be Carbon Neutral by 2045 | UNFCCC

Sweden passed legislation last week which legally binds the country to reach net-zero emissions by the year 2045, five years earlier than previously planned. The new Climate Act passed in parliament with an overwhelming majority vote (254 against 41) and is more ambitious than what Sweden pledged under the Paris Climate Change


Country Summary. This page presents high-level information for Sweden''s climate zones and its seasonal cycle for mean temperature and precipitation for the latest climatology,

Climate Change

Climate change is a long-term shift in global or regional climate patterns that affects the lives of humans, animals and plants. Learn more about the causes, consequences and solutions of this global challenge from National Geographic Society, a trusted source of scientific and educational information.

Swedish National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation

The Swedish portal for climate change adaptation is intended to support society and citizens preparing for climate change consequences. The portal offers comprehensive information and support within a number of areas. The portal is run by the Swedish National Knowledge Centre for Climate Change Adaptation, in cooperation between several

Sweden and sustainability |

Climate change caused by the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is one of the foremost global environment problems today. The Swedish government has set

Sweden and Climate Governance: a Leader | Climate Change

In brief, the argument consists in explaining that Sweden is mainly a leader thanks to its early institutionalization of climate change related issues and its national policies to tackle carbon emissions. However, this argument seems rather simplistic. The early tackling of the issue would not have been sufficient if the climate policy-making

Sweden''s future climate | SMHI

The latest results from climate research have been used to produce detailed analyses of Sweden''s future climate. The results build on the climate scenarios that have been used

Sweden''s Fifth Biennial Report under the UNFCCC

efforts to adapt to climate change. Sweden''s contributions to climate finance are presented, as are research and development. Finally, a description is provided of Sweden''s work on education, training and public awareness regarding climate change. The material on which the National Communication and the Biennial Report

Climate |

Swedish recycling and beyond. Sustainability has long been central to Sweden. Stopping climate change is about innovation and political decisions as well as people''s everyday behaviour.


This page presents a high-level insight into extreme events and how extreme events differ from mean climate. Extremes are often related to different physical processes than those that govern long-term means. While an average change in precipitation is primarily due to circulation changes, extremes are much more sensitive to the thermodynamic state and

76% of Swedish people in favour of stricter government measures

Most popular solutions to fight climate change among Swedish people. The majority of Swedes (66%) would support — though to a lesser extent than Europeans in general (69%) — the introduction of a tax on products and services that contribute most to global warming. Even among respondents with lower incomes, 66% would be in favour of

Sweden Climate Resilience Policy Indicator – Analysis

Sweden''s 2018 National Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation has a section dedicated to climate impacts in the energy sector, and the sectoral energy

Sweden''s Climate Act and Climate Policy Framework

In 2017 Sweden adopted a new climate policy framework. The framework consists of a climate act, climate targets and a climate policy council. Sweden''s long-term target is to have zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 at the latest. The framework was adopted by the Parliament with a broad majority of the political parties and is set up

Sweden''s climate policy framework

In 2017, Sweden''s Riksdag decided by a large political majority to introduce a climate policy framework with a climate act for Sweden. This framework is

"Climate transition strengthens Sweden''s competitiveness and

In Sweden, we have set more ambitious climate objectives than that – we will achieve net-zero emissions by 2045, 5 years before the rest of the EU. Using EU regulations, we have measures in place to reduce the EU''s emissions to ensure that we do our part in achieving the 1.5-degree Celsius goal. More countries need to adopt

Sweden''s future climate | SMHI

100-year floods and 200-year floods. Increasing in large areas of the country. Decreasing in inland Norrland and the northern coast as well as north west Svealand. Low river flows. Becoming more common in Götaland and Svealand, particularly in eastern Götaland. Sea