energy efficiency senegal

Senegal and international partners announce a Just

Senegal has ambitious plans to drive economic growth and create a more prosperous future, and this partnership will deliver vital investment into Senegal''s renewable energy infrastructure and help

Senegal 2023 – Analysis

This Energy Policy Review was prepared in collaboration between the government of Senegal and the IEA, whose strong partnership achieved an important milestone in 2023 when Senegal joined the IEA family as an Association country. It draws on the IEA''s extensive knowledge and the inputs of expert peers from IEA member

Strong energy foundations support Senegal''s ambitious plans to

The IEA''s Energy Policy Review of Senegal 2023, published today, finds that energy is at the heart of Senegal''s 2035 strategy for accelerating sustainable

Raising public awareness of energy efficiency for a people-centred clean energy transition in Africa

This event, organised as part of the IEA''s people-centred clean energy transitions webinar series, will focus on the role educational and public awareness policies can play in improving energy efficiency and empowering people to adopt beneficial energy


Opportunities. The Government of Senegal is committed to diversifying its energy mix by adding solar and increasing wind to the grid. While awaiting first gas in 2023, the government hopes to import LNG as a bridging measure and convert all current HFO plants to gas-to-power plants. The $600 million MCC Compact offers opportunities for


Senegal''s energy balance shows a high share of biomass (54%) and a significant weight of petroleum products in the primary energy supply. The rate of energy independence (excluding biomass) is small, and regarding

CTCN in Senegal: Innovative Technology Collaboration to Improve Energy Efficiency

In addition to these energy efficiency efforts, Senegal´s national development strategy aims to develop eco-industrial hubs, such as Diamniadio park located southeast of Dakar. To support this process,

Senegal: Energy Country Profile

Senegal: Many of us want an overview of how much energy our country consumes, where it comes from, and if we''re making progress on decarbonizing our energy mix. This page

Senegal Taps UN Tech Mech to Cut Energy Costs

UN Climate Change News, Bonn, Nov 7 – Senegal is cutting its energy costs and reducing emissions at the same time by tapping into coordinated support from an increasingly effective international technology network

What Senegal needs to do to close its energy gap by

To achieve universal energy access by 2030, the UN says Senegal must double its electrification rate. Currently, only 33% of rural Senegalese have electricity access.

Pathways for efficient transition into net zero energy buildings (nZEB) in Sub-Sahara Africa. Case study: Cameroon, Senegal

Basic energy efficiency, advanced energy efficiency, on-site renewable energy, off-site renewable energy, (Mtoe) of thermal energy per year. • Senegal: Biomass resources could provide up to 2.9 TWh of electricity per year, and up to

Versailles Statement: The crucial decade for energy efficiency

Versailles Statement: The crucial decade for energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is playing a critical role in improving living standards around the world, providing reliable and affordable and universal energy access, supporting economic growth, accelerating the clean energy transition toward net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by

Executive summary – Energy Efficiency 2022 –

Strong consumer spending on new fuel-efficient and electric cars is expected to help overall energy efficiency-related investment rise by 16% in 2022, to just over USD 560 billion. Under currently stated policies, this

IEA Energy Policy Review of Senegal 2023

The IEA''s energy policy review, carried out in close collaboration with the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, comes at a time when Senegal is taking stock of progress made within the framework of its energy strategy for 2019-2023 and laying out the strategy for the next five-year period going up to 2028. Through a wide consultation process

IFC partnership to boost low-carbon cement production in Senegal

February 28, 2023. Image credit: [philberrry]@123RF . To support the decarbonisation of Senegal''s industrial sector, the IFC has announced a partnership with the country''s largest integrated cement manufacturer. This is meant to boost low-carbon cement production, create jobs and help bridge the country''s housing gap.

Kenya and Senegal to join the IEA

News. 22 June 2023. The Governing Board of the International Energy Agency has unanimously agreed that the Republic of Kenya and the Republic of Senegal will join the IEA Family as Association countries, demonstrating the IEA''s deepening engagement across Africa on energy and climate issues. Following requests from the governments of Kenya

Support for Senegal''s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

In 2017, Senegal''s Strategic Investment Fund (FONSIS) began setting up a specialised fund intended to remove obstacles to private sector financing of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. The name? Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund, or REEF. To prepare its operationalization, we conducted a market study and feasibility

Africa Energy Efficiency Policy in Emerging Economies Training Week

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is pleased to announce the 17th Energy Efficiency Policy Training Week, which will take place in person in Nairobi, Kenya from 18-21 March 2024.The Energy Efficiency Policy Training Week aims to build capacity among policy makers from emerging economies, equipping them with greater knowledge

Energy Efficiency 2023 – Analysis

About this report. Energy Efficiency 2023 is the IEA''s primary annual analysis on global developments in energy efficiency markets and policy. It explores recent trends in energy intensity, demand and efficiency-related investment, policy and technology. This tenth edition of the market report also features a new spotlight section,

Senegal | Climate Promise

November 27, 2023. NDC Status Senegal submitted its first NDC in December 2020. Key highlights from the NDC The country''s first climate pledge is considered an enhanced NDC with its commitment to reducing greenhouse emissions by 5% and 7% (unconditionally) and 23% and 29% (conditional on external support) by 2025 and 2030 respectively.

Renewable energy transition in Senegal? Exploring the dynamics

This study examined the transition dynamics at work in the energy sector in Senegal, seeking through qualitative interviews with Senegalese energy experts to

Expanding renewable energies in Senegal

Senegal aims to supply its entire population with electricity by 2025 and become less dependent on energy imports. Given the global climate crisis, it is important to meet the growing demand for energy with low-emission

Pathways for efficient transition into net zero energy buildings (nZEB) in Sub-Sahara Africa. Case study: Cameroon, Senegal

When looking for new appliances, it''s important to consider both their upfront cost and their annual energy use. Though they may cost more initially, energy-efficient appliances often result in lower monthly power bills and longer equipment lifespans [74].Appliances

Energy Efficiency 2020 – Analysis

Investment in efficiency is projected to fall 9% in 2020. Investments in new energy-efficient buildings, equipment and vehicles are expected to decline in 2020, as economic growth falls by an estimated 4.6% and income uncertainty affects consumer and business decision making. Sales of new cars are expected to fall by more than 10% from


In Senegal, GIZ promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency and rural electrification, and supports the creation of future prospects for young people and adaptation to climate change. GIZ local staff National employees: 315 International employees: 47 Development

Senegal: CO2 Country Profile

Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) is a strong greenhouse gas, that is mainly produced from agricultural activities (e.g. from the use of synthetic and organic fertilizers to grow crops). This first interactive chart here shows per capita emissions of nitrous oxide each year. This is measured in ''carbon dioxide equivalents''.

Renewable energy and energy efficiency: Promoting employment

Country: Senegal Lead executing Agency: Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation Overall term: 2015 to 2022 Context The Government of Senegal is committed to an efficient energy economy, with the aim of increasing the share of renewable

Foreign aid and energy poverty: Sub-national evidence from

We contribute to the literature on foreign aid effectiveness and energy poverty by examining the effect of foreign aid on energy poverty. Using five rounds of the

Senegal Energy Outlook – Analysis

Senegal''s economy could grow six-times larger in the AC while limiting growth in energy demand to three-times its current level by utilising new gas resources and boosting the use of renewables in power. In the AC, gas


Energy Sector Development Policy Letter (2019-2023) Law concerning local content in the hydrocarbon sector, Law No. 2019-04 Petroleum Code 2019, Law no. 2019-03