renewable electricity latvia

Latvia sixth in EU for renewable electricity / Article

In 2022, renewable energy sources made up 41.2% of gross electricity consumption in the EU, 3.4 percentage points (pp) more than in 2021 (37.8%) and well ahead of other


Renewable heat. Renewables also have an important role in providing heat for buildings and industrial processes. To achieve decarbonisation and energy saving objectives, many countries are encouraging individual homes and buildings to shift from fossil fuel heating systems such as gas- or oil-fired boilers to systems like heat pumps which are much more

Energy in Latvia

From 1 January 2023 Latvia banned the import of natural gas from Russia. The replacement comes from connections to LNG terminals, the Klaipeda LNG terminal in Lithuania, and from 2024 the recently-opened Inkoo LNG terminal in Finland. JSC Conexus Baltic Grid is the natural gas transmission system operator in Latvia. International transmission pipelines are 577 km long, consisting of the Riga–Pahneva, Pleskava–Riga, Izbors

Energy production | Ekonomikas ministrija

The share of renewable energy sources has traditionally been significant in Latvia''s energy supply and in 2010 it comprised 32.5%, in 2011 it comprised 33.5% and in 2012 it comprised 35.8% of the total gross final energy consumption. The share of renewable energy in the transport sector must reach at least 10% by 2020 of gross final

Latvia Renewable Energy 1990-2024 | MacroTrends

Latvia Renewable Energy 1990-2024. Renewable electricity is the share of electrity generated by renewable power plants in total electricity generated by all types of

Latvia''s transition to clean energy presents an important

Actions taken today to reduce emissions will inform the pace and scale of Latvia''s energy transition and achieving its ambitious goal of climate neutrality by 2050,

Electricity spot prices in Latvia today, hour by hour

Understanding the electricity market in Latvia Primary energy sources in Latvia. Latvia''s energy sector primarily relies on a mix of resources. The country has a significant emphasis on renewable energy, particularly hydroelectric power, which is the main source of electricity.


Source: IEA Data Services. Licence: CC BY 4.0. Latvia''s 2020 National Renewable Actions Plan targets a 40% share of energy generated from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption, 53% of heat consumption met by renewable sources and 60% of electricity demand met by electricity generate.

Wind power growing Latvia''s renewable energy capacity

35% increase in wind power. In 2022, 4 997 GWh of electricity were generated in Latvia (14.5 % fewer than in 2021), of which 3 783 GWh were produced from renewables (up by 1.7 % or 65 GWh compared to 2021). Last year also the volume of primary electricity produced by wind power plants increased – 190 GWh, which is 34.8

Latvia: Energy Country Profile

''Low-carbon electricity'' includes nuclear and renewable technologies. This interactive chart allows us to see the country''s progress on this. It shows the share of electricity that

Ignitis Renewables to commence work on its solar portfolio in Latvia

Date. 20 February 2024. Share. Ignitis Renewables, a leading international green energy company operating in the Baltic states and Poland, has made the final investment decision on its 239 megawatt (MW) solar portfolio in Latvia, the largest of its kind in the Baltic states, with construction works to commence in the first quarter of this year.

National Energy and Climate Plan for 2021-2030 | Ekonomikas

According to Cabinet Order No.46 adopted 4 February 2020 the National Energy and Climate Plan for 2021-2030 set Latvia''s targets and performance measures in several sectors or activities, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the increase in the share of renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, as well

Ignitis Renewables begins work on its solar portfolio in Latvia

Ignitis Renewables, a leading international green energy company operating in the Baltic states and Poland, has made the final investment decision on its 239 megawatts (MW) solar portfolio in Latvia, the largest of its kind in the Baltic states, with construction works to commence in the first quarter of this year. This decision marks a

Latvia – the best location to invest in smart renewable energy

Renewable energy is a topic that has been prioritized at a both European and national level. Latvia has pledged to reach 50% renewable energy of its final energy consumption by 2030, and the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia has named it a priority sector, which benefits from eased policies, bureaucracy, fast tracked paperwork,

Wind power growing Latvia''s renewable energy capacity

35% increase in wind power. In 2022, 4 997 GWh of electricity were generated in Latvia (14.5 % fewer than in 2021), of which 3 783 GWh were produced

Clean vs. Green: Redefining renewable energy. Evidence from Latvia

Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are clean sources of energy, including hydropower, biomass, geothermal energy, and solar, wind, and wave energy [1], mainly used for heating and power. Renewable Energy is suggested to be "the key to a cleaner and sustainable energy in the future" [2]. At present, considerable percentage (25.4% in

Latvia: power production share by source 2023 | Statista

Hydropower is the main source for electricity production in Latvia. In 2023, it accounted for 60.7 percent of total electricity generation in the country. Premium Statistic Renewable energy

Solar Energy

The Solar Energy market in Latvia is projected to grow by 2.21% (2024-2029) resulting in a market volume of 11.58m kWh in 2029. with renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower

Executive summary – Latvia 2024 – Analysis

Latvia''s hydro-dominated electricity system provides a favourable starting point to use clean electricity to decarbonise other economic sectors and meet the target of 57%

Renewable energy policy database and support: Latvia

In Latvia, renewable electricity generation is stimulated through a complex support system based on a feed-in tariff, which also includes elements of a quota system and tenders.

Renewables Now Country: Latvia

Enefit Green gets rid of Latvian cogeneration plant for EUR 32m. 16:50 / 01 December 2023. Renewable Energy. Weekly renewables M&A round-up (Nov 27-Dec 1) 9:36 / 29 November 2023. Energy/Utilities. Enefit Green to sell district heating biz in Estonia, Latvia. 17:37 / 22 November 2023. Electricity Generation.

European Energy unveils plan for 110-MW solar park in Latvia

Danish renewables developer European Energy A/S intends to build a 110-MW solar park in Latvia, which will be its first project in the Baltic country. The scheme, set to create the largest photovoltaic (PV) park in Latvia, will be installed in the Targale village in the Ventspils region. It is due to become operational in 2024, European Energy

Latvia Electricity Statistics

Latvia imported 4,828,000 MWh of electricity in 2016 (covering 71% of its annual consumption needs). Latvia exported 3,795,000 MWh of electricity in 2016. ELECTRIC consumption. 6,797,960. ELECTRIC GENERATION.


Latvia has set a contribution to the EU renewable energy target of at least 45% in gross final consumption of energy for 2030, significantly below the 50% share that results from

Solar could be crowned ''king'' of Latvia''s energy market

These opportunities are amplified by the Latvian government''s renewable energy targets, set out in "Latvia''s National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030". Some of these goals include slashing

2020 Energy Highlights In Latvia

Electricity production market in Latvia has been experiencing increased public and political attention already over the last decade. In result of several widely discussed cases where energy producers had abused state support for renewable energy production, the Latvian regulatory environment has undergone continued upgrades aimed

Sweden, Finland, Latvia: Which EU countries use the most renewable energy?

Latvia came third with a 42 per cent share which mostly came from biomass and hydropower. Estonia, Austria and Denmark followed, with 38 per cent, 36 per cent and 35 per cent of their energy

The untapped green energy potential of the Baltic States

According to a recent WindEurope study, the Baltic Sea could be the next big thing for Europe''s energy transition. It is estimated that Lithuania could have up to 3,600 MW, Latvia up to 2,900 MW

Clean vs. Green: Redefining renewable energy. Evidence from Latvia

1. Introduction. Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are clean sources of energy, including hydropower, biomass, geothermal energy, and solar, wind, and wave energy [1], mainly used for heating and power.Renewable Energy is suggested to be "the key to a cleaner and sustainable energy in the future" [2].At present, considerable