reduced carbon emissions benin

Consumer willingness-to-pay for restaurant surcharges to reduce carbon emissions

4 · Specifically, we measure people''s WTP to reduce carbon emissions through an optional surcharge on their restaurant check. The results provide important insight where governmental agencies and nongovernmental organizations seek agricultural carbon emission mitigation by way of voluntary contribution.

Benin | Green Climate Fund

Enhanced climate resilience of rural communities in central and north Benin through the implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in forest and agricultural landscapes

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in Benin:

This research offers valuable insights into the factors driving agricultural GHG emissions in Benin, and it provides policy recommendations to reduce emissions

Benin: CO2 Country Profile

We can reduce emissions by (1) using less energy; and/or (2) using lower-carbon energy. This metric monitors the second option. As we transition our energy mix towards lower

Can eco-labels reduce carbon emissions? Market-wide analysis of carbon

Can eco-labels reduce carbon emissions? Market-wide analysis of carbon labeling and locally grown fresh apples - Volume 31 Issue 2 To save this article to your Kindle, first ensure coreplatform@cambridge is added to your Approved Personal Document E

China''s climate governance for carbon neutrality: regulatory gaps

carbon emissions. A green paradox is shown since increasing climate policy density does not significantly reduce carbon emissions. The main regulatory gaps in China''s climate governance include

Climate change impacts across agroecological zones on

Benin is a country with a large agricultural sector which will be strongly affected by climate change. It is experiencing these changes already. Several studies tackled the crop yield

Can digital technology reduce carbon emissions? Evidence from

Dong et al. (2022) used data on the change and intensity of CE for 15 countries worldwide from 2000 to 2014 and found that the ICT industry is an important industry contributing to carbon emissions, where the manufacturing of computer, electronic and optical products accounted for 82.83% of global ICT implied CE.

Reducing carbon emissions and climate change

Renewable energy. Hamamatsu Photonics is working hard to reduce carbon emissions by advancing the implementation of renewables such as solar and wind power. At Toyooka Factory, we have installed solar-power generating equipment (250 kW) on the walls and roof of No. 10 Building in collaboration with our solar power business.

Can information and communication technology reduce CO2 emission

By employing China''s provincial panel data covering period 2001–2016, the present study empirically investigates the impact of ICT on CO2 emission intensity. Specifically, this paper utilizes Internet penetration and mobile phone penetration as proxies to measure ICT respectively and employs quantile regression method to estimate the

CO₂ emissions

Since 1751 the world has emitted over 1.5 trillion tonnes of CO 2. 2 To reach our climate goal of limiting average temperature rise to 2 C, the world needs to urgently reduce emissions. One common argument is that those countries that have added most to the CO 2 in our atmosphere – contributing most to the problem today – should take on the greatest

Can eco-labels reduce carbon emissions? Market-wide analysis of carbon

Overall, providing the location designation label increases annual carbon emissions, whereas providing both the location designation and carbon labeling decreases annual emissions. In short, the dynamics and interdependency of labeling strategies are important to consider in the context of eco-labeling.

How to reduce carbon emissions in construction operations

With this design principle, the generator capacity can be scaled down by 40%, resulting in 80% fewer emissions from the site. Further reductions are possible by adding solar panels to the solution. Telecom antennas and tool charging stations can be supplied directly by solar energy. For higher energy demands like recharging EVs, generators can

The 35 Easiest Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Currently, the average U.S. per capita carbon footprint is 18.3 tons. By comparison, China''s per capita carbon emissions are 8.2 tons. We all have a ways to go to get to 1.87 tons. Calculate your carbon footprint

5. Policies for improving FDI impacts on carbon emissions

Across 44 OECD and G20 countries accounting for over 80% of carbon emissions from energy use, taxes on polluting sources of energy are not set anywhere near the levels needed to reduce the risks and impacts of climate change and air pollution.

Can digital finance reduce carbon emission intensity? A

The world is facing the challenges of climate change and energy structure adjustments. The role of digital finance, a new branch of business that combines digital technology and traditional financial products, in reducing global carbon emissions needs to be studied. This paper uses panel data on 280 cities in China from 2011 to 2019 to

Climate change: Top 10 tips to reduce carbon footprint

The study, out soon in the journal Environmental Research Letters, says the following are worthwhile, but of lesser benefit to the climate: green roofs; using less paper; buying more durable items

The race to zero emissions, and why the world depends on it

2010-2019 is the warmest decade on record. On the current path of carbon dioxide emissions, the global temperature is expected to increase by 3 to 5 degrees Celsius by the end of century. To avoid the worst of warming (maximum 1.5°C rise), the world will need to decrease fossil fuel production by roughly 6 per cent per year between 2020 and 2030.

The renewable energy landscape in Benin: an analysis and

In this article, we summarize various sources and potential of renewable energy available in Benin. We then analyze the problems undermining the policy of developing renewable

Benin | Climate Promise

Key highlights from the NDC. For the coming years, the measures envisaged in the revised NDC, in the energy, agriculture and waste sectors are likely to contribute to reducing

Total greenhouse gas emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent)

Total greenhouse gas emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent) - Benin | Data. Climate Watch Historical GHG Emissions ( 1990-2020 ). 2023. Washington, DC: World Resources

Benin Country Climate and Development Report

Despite having amongst the lowest greenhouse gas emissions globally – at only 0.05% of global emissions – Benin is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change.

Government announces Hong Kong''s Climate Action Plan 2050

The Government today (October 8) announced Hong Kong''s Climate Action Plan 2050, setting out the vision of "Zero-carbon Emissions‧Liveable City‧Sustainable Development", and outlining the strategies and targets for combating climate change and achieving carbon neutrality. In response to the Paris Agreement, the

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in Benin:

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural practices is essential for decreasing the environmental impact of human activities and alleviating the


Book contents Frontmatter Contents List of contributors 1 Concerns about Climate Change and Global Warming 2 Posing the Problem 3 Adaptive Strategies for Climate Change 4 Energy Efficiency: a Little Goes a Long Way 5 The Potential of Renewable Energy to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Can increased economic complexity and reduced carbon emissions

1. Introduction Global carbon emissions have continued to increase since 2013, reaching a new peak of 36.3 Gt in 2021 (IEA, 2021).Existing research has shown that fossil fuel consumption, economic growth and energy consumption (Pata and Kumar, 2021; Koop, 1998; Wang et al., 2011; Zaman et al., 2017) are important factors for carbon

Integrated crop-livestock effects on soil carbon sequestration in

In Benin, adaptation to climate change in the livestock sector has led cattle farmers to develop different livestock practices. Most research has focused on evaluating

Analysis: Record drop in China''s CO2 emissions needed to meet 2025 target

Approximately one percentage-point of CO2 emission growth can be attributed to these sectors, based on output data and emission intensities estimated for solar PV, electric vehicles and batteries. This means that, without the clean technology manufacturing boom, China''s CO2 emissions would have grown by around 4.2%,

Benin: CO2 Country Profile

To reduce emissions and achieve increasing prosperity at the same time, we have to decouple economic growth from CO 2 emissions. Several countries have achieved this in recent years. The chart here shows whether this country has achieved this by showing the change in GDP per capita, and annual per capita CO 2 emissions over time.

Do shared E-bikes reduce urban carbon emissions?

Mcqueen et al. (2020) stated that e-bikes reduced the share of car trips in all journeys by about 10 percentage points and lowered carbon emissions by 225 kg per year in North America. Some researchers estimated the car kilometres substituted by e-bikes among surveyed users ( Cairns et al., 2017; Moser et al., 2018 ).