fraunhofer ise photovoltaics report

Photovoltaics Report informiert über Fakten zur

Seit zehn Jahren veröffentlicht das Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, unterstützt durch die PSE Projects GmbH, regelmäßig den Photovoltaics Report, kurz PV Report. Dieser stellt die

Aktuelle Fakten zur Photovoltaik in Deutschland

Daten und Fakten. Zusammengestellt von Dr. Harry Wirth, Fraunhofer ISE. Fassung vom 03. April 2024. Deutschland lässt das fossil-nukleare Energiezeitalter hinter sich. Photovoltaik wird in unserer nachhaltigen Energiezukunft eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Die vorliegende Zusammenstellung aktuellster Fakten, Zahlen und Erkenntnisse

Renewable Energy Data

Fraunhofer ISE compiles studies and analyses which cover the entire thematic spectrum of its research activities. Search. Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. Photovoltaics Report [ PDF 3.36 MB ] Sustainable PV Manufacturing in Europe - An Initiative for a 10GW GreenFab

Fraunhofer ISE

2 · Forschen für die Energiewende. Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE in Freiburg ist das größte Solarforschungsinstitut Europas. Unsere rund 1400 Mitarbeitenden


The German Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, NREL, have compiled a study that describes the status of both the current market as well as the state-of-the-art for concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) technology. This young technology has achieved tremendous progress and has the

Oxford PV and Fraunhofer ISE Develop Full-sized Tandem PV

A research team from the Fraunhofer ISE has produced a PV module using perovskite silicon tandem solar cells from Oxford PV. With an efficiency of 25 percent and an output of 421 watts on an area of 1.68 square meters, it is the world''s most efficient silicon perovskite tandem solar module in industrial format.

Study: Current and Future Cost of Photovoltaics

Study: Current and Future Cost of Photovoltaics. Johannes N. Mayer, Dr. Simon Philipps, Noha Saad Hussein, Dr. Thomas Schlegl, Charlotte Senkpiel, Fraunhofer ISE February 24, 2015. According to a study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE commissioned by Agora Energiewende, solar energy will become the

Photovoltaics Report

PV Market: Global. Photovoltaics is a fast-growing market: The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of cumulative PV installations was about 26% between year 2013 to 2023.

Photovoltaics Report

Ziel des »Photovoltaics Report« ist es, aktuelle Informationen zum PV-Markt allgemein sowie zur Effizienz von Solarzellen, Modulen und Systemen zu liefern. Darüber hinaus

Photovoltaics Report Delivers Facts about Solar Energy

The report contains a compilation of the most important facts on photovoltaics (PV) in Germany, the European Union and worldwide, documenting, in particular, the development of the photovoltaic market, solar cell and module efficiency as well as the prices over the last decades. The latest edition is freely available on the Fraunhofer ISE


This work has been carried out under the responsibility of Dr. Simon Philipps (Fraunhofer ISE) and Werner Warmuth (PSE Projects GmbH). Price indications are always to be

Photovoltaics Report

Photovoltaics is a fast-growing market: The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of cumulative PV installations was about 26% between year 2013 to 2023. In 2023 producers from Asia count for 94% of total PV module production. China (mainland) holds the lead with a share of about 86%.

Current Status of Concentrator Photovoltaic (CPV)

This report summarizes the status of the concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) market and industry as well as current trends in research and technology. This report is intended to guide research agendas for Fraunhofer ISE, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), and other R&D organizations. Version 1.3 of this report includes recent progress

Photovoltaics Report

Photovoltaics Report. Dr. Simon Philipps, Fraunhofer ISE und Werner Warmuth, PSE Projects GmbH | Fassung vom 17. Mai 2024. Photovoltaics Report [ PDF 3,36 MB ] Photovoltaik ist ein schnell wachsender Markt: Zwischen 2013 und 2023 wuchs die weltweit installierte Kapazität an PV-Modulen im Schnitt jährlich um etwa 26 Prozent.

Integrated Photovoltaics

Integrated Photovoltaics. The integration of PV technology in buildings, vehicles and roadways and its incorporation into agricultural and water areas as well as in urban areas promises a technical potential of several terawatts of installable capacity. Instead of conflicts of use, there are synergies such as strengthening climate resilience in

Agrophotovoltaics: High Harvesting Yield in Hot Summer of 2018

Winter wheat produced a gain of plus 3 percent and clover a minus of 8 percent. "Based on the 2018 potato yield, the land use efficiency rose to 186 percent per hectare with the agrophotovoltaic system," says Stephan Schindele of Fraunhofer ISE. Through the combined land use, the land use efficiency with the APV system is 186 percent.

Recent Facts about Photovoltaics in Germany

Compiled by Dr. Harry Wirth, Fraunhofer ISELast updated: April, 3, 2024. Germany is leaving the age of fossil fuel behind. In building a sustainable energy future, photovoltaics is going to have an important role. The following summary consists of the most recent facts, figures and findings and shall assist in forming an overall assessment of


The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE is the first European research institute to switch to large-area M10 silicon wafers. A TOPCon solar cell immediately achieved a very good efficiency


The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE is the first European research institute to switch to large-area M10 silicon wafers. A TOPCon solar cell immediately achieved a very good efficiency of 24.0 percent. This result was presented for the first time at the 20th Photovoltaic Technology Advisory Board Meeting of Fraunhofer


Graph: PSE Projects GmbH 2021 26 © Fraunhofer ISE FHG-SK: ISE-PUBLIC Note: In mass production Cell-toModule ratio (CTM) improved in past years by reducing losses


Photovoltaics Report ; Study: Current Status of Concentrator Photovoltaic (CPV) Technology; Fraunhofer ISE - Annual Report 2023/24 [PDF 15.7 MB] READ. Fraunhofer ISE - A Short Overview. March 2024 | [PDF 735 kB] Read. Flyers und Brochures. Flyer on our Business Areas as PDF-Files.

Press Release I July 27th

Photovoltaics Report Delivers Facts about Solar Energy Worldwide. July 27, 2021. The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, supported by PSE Projects GmbH, has been publishing the PV Report on a regular basis for the past decade. The report contains a compilation of the most important facts on photovoltaics (PV) in

Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants

For PV power plants of all sizes, we offer an individual, continuous quality assurance. The picture shows a 150 MW PV power plant in the Atacama Desert, Chile, that was tested comprehensively by Fraunhofer ISE and certified by VDE. Modeling of a two-axis tracked PV system in »RADIANCE«.

Photovoltaics Report

Ziel des »Photovoltaics Report« ist es, aktuelle Informationen zum PV-Markt allgemein sowie zur Effizienz von Solarzellen, Modulen und Systemen zu liefern. Darüber hinaus geht der Report auf die Energieamortisationszeit, Wechselrichter und Preisentwicklungen ein.

Press Release I July 27th

July 27, 2021. The Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, supported by PSE Projects GmbH, has been publishing the PV Report on a regular basis for the past

Photovoltaics Report

produced by vertically integrated PV cell and module manufacturers; Graph: Jochen Rentsch, Fraunhofer ISE. Source: Company product data sheets. Last update: Nov. 2015.

Photovoltaics Report Delivers Facts about Solar Energy

The report contains a compilation of the most important facts on photovoltaics (PV) in Germany, the European Union and worldwide, documenting, in particular, the

Fraunhofer ISE Photovoltaics report presents facts about solar

The report contains a compilation of the most important facts on photovoltaics (PV) in Germany, the European Union and worldwide, documenting, in

Tandem Photovoltaics – The Road to Higher Conversion Efficiencies

Prof. Dr. Stefan Glunz. Director, Division Photovoltaics­ Research. Fraunhofer ISE. Heidenhofstr. 2. 79110 Freiburg. Phone +49 761 4588-5191. Tandem photovoltaics : increase the energy conversion efficiency of photovoltaics and bring down the costs.

Photovoltaics Report

The intention of the "Photovoltaics Report " is to provide up-to-date information. However, facts and figures change rapidly and the given information may soon be outdated again. Seyma Kabakli from Fraunhofer ISE Receives Poster Prize at the 14th International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics; Fraunhofer ISE signs Open Letter

Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants

Digital PV Power Plants. Digital twins and algorithms for AI provide a robust basis for the early detection of system malfunctions. For PV power plants of all sizes, we offer an individual, continuous quality assurance. The picture shows a 10 MWp solar power station in Masdar, Abu Dhabi tested by Fraunhofer ISE.

Fraunhofer ISE Develops the World''s Most Efficient Solar Cell

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, using a new antireflection coating, have successfully increased the efficiency of the best four-junction solar cell to date from 46.1 to 47.6 percent at a concentration of 665 suns.